Chiapas (and some Yucatan)

(Note: I’m starting to run out of clever titles for these things so I’m falling back on location. I hope that doesn’t mean I’m done learning over-arching life lessons from each segment. But at least it will be very easy to go back and figure out where I was.) Chiapas The Oaxaca road block set […]

It’s Oaxaca!

Oaxaca City/El Tule I rolled into Oaxaca City after dark. Eager to find a place to stay I found a hotel on iOverlander that was super cheap. The neighborhood looked a bit dodgy, but I figured iOverlander wouldn’t steer me wrong. The hotel was probably the sketchiest yet, from the inside – yet not the […]

Puebla – city of foodies

I spent a couple weeks in Puebla, learning Spanish with the great teachers at livitspanish. I also managed to fit in a few excursions. But mostly I just tried a ton of delicious food. Everything in Puebla is tasty. It’s immediately obvious this is a town that takes food very seriously. I compare it to the […]

Devastating news

As you know if you’ve followed this blog, I was scheduled to meet up with the guys from End of All Roads in Puebla last week. Sadly beyond words, one of the crew – Brian Johnson – skidded off the road and lost his life on their first day in Mexico, close to Zacatecas. I […]